Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Oogas For All

Got photos of the kid’s stuff that I’ve sewn for them, finally! Sat down yesterday and got Harrison’s Ooga Booga shirt sewn. It was #22 from the 01/09 issue of Ottobre Design, minus the long sleeves. I could have found another pattern that I didn’t have to alter, but this book was in hand and, well, I’m lazy. It came out fine, although at size 110, it’s a little big for him. I prefer that, though, since it means he’ll get to wear it for a while.
I’ve also got some girly Ooga fabrics, so I think I’m going to make a similar shirt for Laura so they can be coordinated. :)

Ooga Booga!

(Incidentally, getting him to stand still for me to take a picture was not happening. Maybe later…)
Also got photos of Laura’s dresses and coordinates. Finished sewing them a few weeks ago, but never got the pics up. Patterns are #1, #3 and #4 from 01/08 Ottobre, and #2 from 06/08.

Baby Deer and Maya Blouse

Laura in her new outfit


(Originally posted on Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 1:12 PM.)

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